Caput acquis Capudaquis, Capuatii, Caputatium, Caputaquen, Capud acium,etc. Capaccio. Seat of the county and then to the diocese. Autonomous University until its elevation to the City. From Salerno km. 45.





About the location of the place, that saw the troops of Spartacus routed by army of Crassus, and that is at the foot of Mount Cathena,Centenna, Calamatro, Calamazio, Calpazio at the lake, pond or lucan swamp, wrote Cluverio and then Corcia and Riccio.About Capaccio, Episcopalian, is already news from the translation (a. 953) of thesacred remains of the evangelist Matthew from Velia to the cathedral of Capaccio dedicated to St. Mary of garnet or of the Assumption, by the bishop Giovanni from Paestum.

As Episcopalian, old Capaccio had, as inPaestum, the cathedral, baptistery and the autonomous «domus episcopi», later (ninth century) also «domus canonicorum» and aspace before the cathedral sufficient for processions. The bishops,as has been documented, continued to say «pestani» upBishop Leonardo that seems to have been the first to sign the documentwith that predicate.

We learn from Mandelli that Giovanni XIII, in confirming (967) Peter as bishop from Paestum, clarified«quae Caput acquis dicitur».Capaccio's news are also for the arrival there of Otto II (Octo-ber 981) which drove off immediately, by wiping still in 982.

Among the manyexisting documents in the Archives of Cava are particularly interestednotes auctions (a. 977) and that of the bishop Pando and that of 989 in which we can read about the bishop Lando and the cathedral and its remains recently put back into light. No less important than others, such as thatof 1036 by which Romualdo, son of the late Earl Grimoald dividedwith brothers Grimoald Romualdo and with Aloara, widow of Rodelgrimo brother, all the property they owned in Capaccio.

The CDC is a document of 1051 that states east of the Calpazioarose a new town (Capaccio new), for which Federico IImagistrate was vented only on the dilapidated old town of Capaccio «and against first houses of the new village.» This was built on the ridgeof Mount Calpazio without walls. And because so far not beenconfirms the existence of an old palace in Capaccio committeessuch, it is to be presumed that the accounts were residing in «castellum vetus ».

The 1052 is a donation of Pandolfo, Count of Capaccio and Cornetoand brother of Prince Guaimario IV, the church of St. Preparazione(St. Venera, hagiographic transposition of Good Friday) «in lococornitu finibus caputaquis», made by him to build and that the bishop of PaestumAmato had exempted from its jurisdiction in July1047.

As I said, Pandolfo was killed on the banks of Salerno indefend his brother Guaimario IV for which the county was divided among hismany children, including John who married Ageltruda Sessa, from whichGiordano, who donated to the monastery of Cava the church of St. Veneranda in Roscigno, near Corleto, and Gregory who married before Sighetgaita of Teano and then Mary Herbert.

Of the same Giordano from Corneto is then another degree to consider selling, but importantbecause it informs us of part of its extensive kinship.It should be remembered that in 1062 Capaccio was still under the ruleof Gisulfo II, as were Ridiliano of Capaccio, Trentinara, Laureanaand Camella. News that derive from the header of documentsshowing that in his conquests in Lucania and Brizia Guglielmo ofthe Principality must have left the bags that notaries continuously to consider under the rule of Prince Gisulfo givingto him the documents until the fall of the fortress and its depositionby Robert Guiscard, whose name appears immediately inpublic acts.In the age of King Roger seems that Raimondo from Alifewas the Lord of Capaccio.

In 1132 the abbot Landone of the church of St. Nicholas,built to «casa vetere» under the old castle and belonging toJohn, son of Gregory, son of Pandolfo of Capaccio, declaredthat the church owned land and a building outside the new city ofCapaccio, not very far from the «porta que dicitur pagagno»and that by order of John gave three brothers.

In the catalog ofBarons is reported Guaimario Capaccio for the fief of Abriola(Briola or Tabriola) in Basilicata. By Pandolfo of Capaccio and Corneto and Theodora of Tusculum, as wellthe children whom it was said (second, Gregory; fourth, John), the first son Guaimario, lord of Capaccio, who married Sighelgaita of Capua, from which Pandolfo and from which William, who succeeded his uncleWilliam (II) de Mannia in the barony of Novi because the latterhad not had children by his wife Altruda of Teano. The Castle of Capaccio (1230-1231) was «castrum R. Curiae» directly employed Imperial, with direct appointment of «provisores» and indication of those(farmhouses, baronies) required to provide for the maintenance.Capaccio then passed to the Sanseverino that held the county at the timeof the note conspiracy. The Sanseverino had barricaded themselves in the castles ofSala and Capaccio, the « castro Capuacio» conquered byFederico after four months.

The emperor hastened to give noticethe Count of Toulouse. The times of Frederick II is also the confirmation toArchbishop Amato of Salerno of the donations made by Gisulfo II tothe church of Salerno «in Comitatu Capuaci». In 1248 Pope Innocent IV,bearing in mind that «mater Ecclesia» must provide «indigentibusfiliis», particularly for those who were stripped for itof their belongings, asked the abbot of the monastery of St. Peter of Eboliprovide for the allocation of a feudal military to beloved sonJohn of Felitto, «miles Caputaquensis diocesis» who hadhad confiscated goods by Frederick II. News about Capaccio also in Regestrum of Abbot Thomas.

Dated to Angevin and Aragonese Age are many news in the relevant Registers, including allocation to the county of Alesina of«Capuacium, terra Gifonis cum arce et terra Schifati cum arce inPrincipato» The castle was still donated in Angevin Age to RoyalCuria that preceded French castellans, while Capaccio was rebuilt(1266-1269). In 1271 King Charles gave «carissimo primogenitor nostro», namely to Prince Charles, the town of Capaccio.

In 1290 Carlo Martello informed the «strategoto” of Salerno had advocated the castle and the hamlet of Capaccio to the Royal Curia, ordering him to go thereto ask «hominibus Capuacii» the oath of homage and faith.In the same year 1290 the bishop of Capaccio, the villages of Capaccio, Trentinara and Agropoli, the baronies of Fasanella, Corbella,Monteforte, Corneto and Postiglione, together with the monasteries of St. Lorenzode Strictu, St. Benedict of Salerno and the SS. Trinity of Cava were warned that they had to contribute to the repairs necessary to set at full efficiency Castle of Capaccio.

Reads in a document dated December 19, 1293 that the castellan of Ca-paccio had seized for retaliation to people of Capaccio 1500 pregnant sheep, nine cattle, 12 donkeys and 15 pigs.In 1303 King Charles granted Capaccio, Eboli, Auletta, Albanella, Roccadaspide and Laurino to his son Ramon Berenguer, lordships which thenin 1306 went to the other son Peter. Queen Joanna andhusband King Louis then invested, according to Volpi, ofAltavilla and Capaccio Ruggiero Sanseverino to compensate for the costsincurred in the fight against other barons of the Kingdom. Having learnedwho tried to harass him in possession of these goods, Ruggiero Avignon wrote to Pope Urban V, which, in turn, will wrote (August 30, 1363) to Archbishop Pietro of Napoli.

The prelate spoke about it with the queen who ordered to write to Thomas to Santo-magno, bishop of Capaccio. In the will of Ruggiero, rememberedScipione Admired (fam. Sanseverino), we read of the legacy of Ca-paccio to his firstborn Errico, had by his first wife Giovanna d’Aquino. From Errico, Ruggiero and then Luigi rebel in 1405, soKing Ladislaus moved the trial goods to the crown.

Capaccio was granted toBoffilo del Giudice, whose death the estate was divided among the childrenResteraimo, Lionello and Hector. Dead Lionello, and purchased by Ettorethe third part in 1422, the only possessor Bertaraimo married Gio-vanna of Morra, from which, however, had no offspring for which theirgoods returned to the Crown. F. Campanile writes that the mother of Martuccios Alemagna was a Sanseverino, sister of Thomas,Lord of Laurino and Padula in 1348.

Martuccio was a gift fromUncle Thomas some feuds in the territory of Padula, goods confermatigli(A.1478) by William Sanseverino, Count of Capaccio and Satriano andlord of Laurino and Padula. The county of Capaccio was assigned toAmerigo Sanseverino on February 27, 1433, on its merits, by King Alfonso of Aragon. Margherita di Sanseverino, Countess of Capaccio,mother and mercy of Gaspare Sanseverino, Count of Capaccio and Baronies of Laurino and Cuccaro, confirmed to Giacobello of Monforte,The fief of noble Laurito allotted by Francesco Sanseverino of October 24 1438.

In 1442, «in castris apud CaputAquarum» King Alfonso examined acts of government. Amerigo Sanseveri-no was succeded by Antonello that did not have children, so the inheritance passed tobrother William, Earl of Capaccio again in 1486 for having taked part in the conspiracy of the barons, William was deprived of his property.(Continued on New Capaccio)

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